Friday, May 4, 2007

I think I can, I think I can...

So our computer's disk drive died a while back, and we made do for a while, but eventually we opted to send it in for the meantime, we're limping along on the Stone Age era piece of crap, and just checking email has become quite a chore. Never you worry, fans of the Crazy Stevenses ;), we'll be back and blogging again in no time. After all, there are just too darn many cool things to do and share with the world! Things we have planned for this precious, short Alaskan summer include creating an organic lasagna garden (I spent most of today shoveling manure for it!), building an earth oven, finishing the pond in the back yard, and contiuing with the planning for Summer Coronet, which our little SCA group is holding (biggest event of the year in the whole state, baby!). I'm sure that many other things will crop up along the way.

Cheers (and we'll see ya soon!),
Those Crazy Stevenses

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