Sunday, January 28, 2007

Winter Games Wonderland

Another PWG has come and gone, and this year the weather was awesome! It rose above freezing yesterday for the first time in quite a while, which made it much easier to stand in line for snowmachine rides. On the left is a picture of the kiddos and a couple of their friends, doing Liam's favorite thing at the Games. He likes to go with the big kids and go 'Fast & Furious' all the way. One time they came back covered in snow, and Liam excitedly informed me, "Mom, I almost died that time!" with a huge grin on his face...

Keely and her buddies took a turn on the kick sleds and tried ice bowling, but none of us braved the true Alaskan games of frozen salmon tossing or log sawing. We also ventured indoors, where we ran into Gramma Peggy, Aunt Krystal, and wee Fiona. The kids decorated cookies, ate cotton candy, and Liam took a turn building a racecar at the Home Depot booth.

We went home to eat dinner and warm up (yes, Alaskans eventually do get cold, even when it's above freezing...), and later in the evening we came back to the Sports Center to watch fireworks and check out the ice sculptures, but we never did make it to the bonfire- we got caught up watching a hockey game, and it got late before we knew it...

Well, it's off to get ready for an SCA business meeting- we got the Summer Coronet bid, and we're wondering what in the world we've done...

Stay tuned for more craziness...

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