Friday, February 2, 2007

Heat wave...

Oh, the weather outside is...well, not nearly as frightful as it should be this time of fact, we've been turning our heat off during the day and opening windows to let in some of that wonderful false-spring air. The sun has actually been shining (!) for several days in a row, and it's been in the high 40's. The snow is melting like crazy, and it's hard not to think it's breakup. But we all know that just when we think it's gone for good, usually around St. Patrick's Day, it'll likely dump down a few more feet just for good measure...but for now, we're soaking it up! Yesterday we heard the ocean calling, and drove up the road to our local beach, where the kids and the dogs ran around, leaping from iceberg to iceberg and poking at the ice that hadn't been washed away by the lapping waves. The tide was slowly coming in when we got there, and it was pretty cool to watch the waves spray as they smashed into the huge chunks of ice at the edge of the water.
Today is Imbolc, as well as a full moon, so we're trying to figure out what to do to celebrate. I saved some grasses that look like wheat that volunteered in my garden last summer, so we'll soak them in warm water and weave a Brigid's cross or two, and maybe we'll even make candles...Liam will be heading off to homeschool gym in a couple of hours with his friend Solomon, to burn off some of that pent-up winter energy.

Tomorrow we've got all kinds of things planned: in the morning, there's the Refuge Fun Day, then I think Liam and Ben might go ice skating, and then we're off to our friends Jason & Mary's house for fighter practice and a bardic. It might even be warm enough to have a fire in their firepit!

On a side note, I found a couple of fun things this week. The first is a great unschooly article about video games, and the second is a very funny video on YouTube about the flu shot, which I sent to a whole bunch of people...

Till Next Time...
Those Crazy Stevenses

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