Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas comes but once a year...

And the children always look forward to a chance to pummel the uncles! (And, though it may be hard for me to believe, a chance to eat potato sausage! Ick!)

We ventured out through the blowing snow, all the way to the grandparents' house for a late Christmas dinner (damn those rum shots!). Stephan, Torri, and Jason were down for a visit from Anchorage, and it was great to get to see them again- we don't get a lot of chances to do that these days.

We enjoyed watching my new Eddie Izzard DVD, and everyone seemed to enjoy playing with the kids' gifts- Liam's brain ball, and Keely's parabola. As always, wee Fiona stole the show- I think I ended up with more pictures of her than of my own kids! Even the pouting pictures are adorable...

But alas, all good things come to an end, and we realized that we'd stayed out almost past our bedtime, so we came home, much to the chagrin of the children. We're hoping to have another chance to get together with the visiting relatives before they go...

See you soon!

Those Crazy Stevenses

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