Wednesday, January 3, 2007

New year, new insanity...

Well, the new year arrived with our crazy Stevens brand of fanfare: We sat around, lazily gorging ourselves on pizza rolls and cheese fondue, with Chianti for the adults and mock pina coladas for the kidlets...we marveled at how crazy the outside world seems to us, as we sat gaping at the New Year's Eve coverage televised from New York. When the time came for the ball to drop, we all held our streamer-popper dealie-bobs (is there a name for those things?) in readiness as we counted down the final 30 seconds. And then, at last, we could blow our little horns and shoot streamers at everything! Ah, the glorious mess! True wild abandon!...Ben and I drank our special champagne, and offered the kids a taste, which only Keely took us up on. Then we remembered we had sparklers and the nifty little poppers you throw at things (they make a spiffy flash when it's dark outside!), so we headed outside to play a little before finally going to bed...

I've got a few New Year's resolutions myself, most of which involve taking better care of me now that my kids are getting bigger...but I haven't been able to get anyone else to commit to any plans for the New Year. I did get sort of a grumbled, 'yeah, ok...' when I suggested we try lots of new things this year, so I guess that counts. Ben's working on his book again, which he hasn't been doing much since we moved into this house two years ago. It seems to be making him happy, so that's a good thing...

As always, I'm posting lots more pics here. Enjoy!

More later!
Those Crazy Stevenses

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